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follow the speaker’s train of thought
跟随演讲者的思路  detail>>
train of thought
思路 思念的火车 思想序列  detail>>
follow in the train of
随着...而发生  detail>>
according to this train of thought
根据这种思路  detail>>
lose the train of thought
思路断了  detail>>
follow a wrong train
搭错车  detail>>
 n.  1.说话人;演说者;雄辩家。 2.广播员。 3.扩音器,扬声器;喇叭,话筒。 4.〔S-〕英国下议院、美国众议院议长〔美国正式叫做...  detail>>
speaker on
有正面答案  detail>>
the speaker
众议院主席  detail>>
a thought
稍许, 一点点, 少量  detail>>
at the thought of
一想到. 一想到…就 一想起…(就)  detail>>
be thought to
被认为  detail>>
for thought and
念食  detail>>
in thought
在思考之中 左思右想, 在沉思  detail>>
it is thought
一般认为…  detail>>
it is thought that…
人们认为  detail>>
not to be thought of
不能设想  detail>>
the thought
夜的思索  detail>>